  • image1 Spirit-Staff´s
  • image2 Staffordshire-Bullterrier
  • image3 TOP DOGS


I-Wurf Staffordshire Bullterrier of Spirit-Staff´s

JCh. Dark Solo of Spirit-Staff´s Babygirl Marksman of Spirit-Staff´s


Dark Solo
of Spirit-Staff´s

Int-Ch. UK-Ch. SL-Ch.
SK-Ch. WW 09
Stormbull Solo

Knockon Dance With the Divil

UK-Ch. Vanoric Voo Doo
Loyal Uptown Girl of Eastaff
Stormbull Secret Harmony Ruffcast Midnight Madness
Jwel's Black Jem Of Stormbull
Int-Ch. UK-Ch. DE-Ch.
All in One
of Spirit-Staff´s
Int-Ch. DE-Ch. A-Ch. CH-Ch.
Gadkey´s Sky Walker
Valglo Peacemaker
Gadkey's Bewitched
DE-Ch. Esg. DE-JCh.
Exclusive Edition GnG

Int-Ch. UK-Ch. SL-Ch. SK-Ch. Stormbull Solo

Int-Ch. Dairy Felicity Cheer
Babygirl Marksman
of Spirit-Staff´s

York House Marksman

Vanoric Voo Doo

Ch. Sparstaff Doggy Docker
Ch. Jamarvins Femme Fatale of Vanoric

Toscam Moonbeam

Ch. Bombstaff Carlsberg
Ch. Bethane Moonlight Madonna
DE-Ch. ESg. DE-JCh.
Exclusive Edition
Int-Ch. UK-Ch. SL-Ch. SK-Ch.
Stormbull Solo

UK-Ch. Knockon Dance With the Divil Jw

Stormbull Secret Harmony
Dairy Felicity Cheer 
Int-Ch. A-Ch. PL-Ch. SK-Ch. PL-JCh. Staffkar
Int-Ch.Anne Marie Felicity Cheer
2025  Staffordshire Bull Terrier Züchter of Spirit-Staff´s since 2009